Arsiyan Yaylası Kamp Alanı

Arsiyan Yaylası Kamp Alanı





Arsiyan Plateau is another route where you can make a winter camp with the clean atmosphere of the Black Sea. Located on the border line of Artvin's Şavşat district and Georgia, the plateau manages to impress those who see it at first glance, with an altitude of 2600 to 3500 meters. Arsiyan Plateau has 20 lakes of various sizes and 12 floating islands. Therefore, from the moment you step in, you can discover the unprecedented beauty of Artvin and camp in front of the clean atmosphere. Since it is in a difficult location in terms of transportation, it is possible to go to the Arsiyan Plateau Campground by off-road vehicles. However, we can say that the difficulties you experience during transportation will end as soon as you see the unique beauties of the region. Access to the famous plateau can be provided by land up to the lower region. For this, you can use minibuses that depart regularly from Şavşat. When you come near the plateau, if your vehicle is off-road, you can go out or climb.

There is no facility in Arsiyan Plateau, which bears the signature of a different history in each lake it owns. For this reason, you can bring the equipment you will need during the camping period. There are coal mines, salt rocks and fir trees in the Arsiyan Plateau Campground, where the locals who are engaged in fishing and highland activities flock. Moreover, we can say that the plateau has made a name for itself thanks to the fact that it is home to early fruits such as mozi, mesghal and kekre. Therefore, while setting up a free tent camp in Arsiyan Plateau, you can discover the hidden structural beauties and natural gifts of the region. Before heading towards the Arsiyan Plateau Campground, you should be careful knowing that the wildlife is active in the area.

You can find the opportunity to try many activities that you can enjoy in Arsiyan Plateau, which allows you to meet the unique beauties of nature. You can go rock climbing on the steep slopes of the plateau, take advantage of the convenient paths for trekking, photograph unforgettable beauties, or try angling in various large and small lakes. While camping in the Arsiyan Plateau, which has a high altitude, you can bring comprehensive camping equipment with you to avoid cold.


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Off Road


Accessible by public transport

Campfire permitted

Cell phone can pick up

Charcoal grill allowed

Free camp

In the mountains

Permanent camping


Can pitch a tent

Winter camp possible


Firewood available

Wooded Area