Abana paid campsites

Kastamonu Abana campsites guide, we have listed the transportation, communication, service, activity and accommodation information specific to the facilities.

Elif Aksüt
Elif Aksüt 2023-08-07
Abana paid campsites

Kastamonu is one of the routes where you can feel comfortable while spending magical times alone with the lush nature in the Black Sea Region. In the city of Kastamonu, which is home to a deep-rooted historical heritage, you can step away from the crowded and tiring routines of other cities and take a unique holiday. In Kastamonu, where you will meet with a magnificent Black Sea view at every point you turn your face, Abana is one of the regions you should definitely step on. You can feel healed both physically and mentally in the Abana campgrounds, which have the unique atmosphere of the trees covering the sky. We came to the Abana stop of the camp guides we prepared at regular intervals in Campalow. You can find contact, activity, transportation, service and accommodation information specific to the facilities in our Kastamonu Abana campsites content. Let's evaluate together.


Abana Campsites

1- Abana Yesilyuva Nature Park Campground (Abana)

Yesilyuva Nature Park

How is transportation and communication provided?

Yeşilyuva Nature Park Campground facility, which is on the list of Abana camping areas, is located on Hacıveli region and Bahattin Yorgancı Street. Therefore, the facility has a driving distance of approximately 98 km from Kastamonu city center. When you set off from the city center to go to the Abana Yeşilyuva Nature Park Campground facility, which serves in the Hacıveli region, you can reach the destination after approximately 1 hour and 40 minutes. In addition, when you enter the borders of the nature park, you can safely leave your private car in the parking lot. In cases where there is no private vehicle that you can use for transportation, you can choose minibuses and shuttles.

  • Phone: 0 366 564 11 65

What types of accommodation are available?

  • Tent
  • Caravan

What services are available?

  • Beach
  • Child park
  • Mosque
  • Car park
  • Restaurant

What activities can be done?

  • Swimming (Sea)
  • Dive
  • angling
  • Trekking
  • bike ride

Click for detailed information about Abana Yesilyuva Nature Park Campground


We have come to the end of the content of the Abana campgrounds we prepared for the Abana district of Kastamonu. If you want to find what you are looking for in the guide and take a look at different routes, you can evaluate the content of Safranbolu camping areas. When you want to turn your direction towards the western regions, you can look at the contents of Ereğli campsites, Akçakoca campsites or Gölcük campsites. We wish you a good holiday in advance.

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