Camlidere paid camping areas

Ankara Çamlıdere campsites guide, we have listed the transportation, communication, service, activity and accommodation information specific to the facilities.

Elif Aksüt
Elif Aksüt 2023-07-10
Camlidere paid camping areas

One of the routes where you will discover the unique atmosphere of an untouched nature on holiday is Ankara. In Ankara, which is home to a deep-rooted historical heritage, you can leave the routine tiredness you have accumulated throughout the year in the corner. In addition, thanks to the city's central location, you can reach Ankara every season of the year both by private car and public transportation. Çamlıdere is another place where you can be alone with the fascinating nature in Ankara. Thanks to the forested areas and village lands of the region, you can experience the comfort of getting rid of a tiring city life. You can also try comfortable accommodation, advanced services and fun activities at Camlidere campsites. We came to Çamlıdere stop in the camp guides we regularly prepare in Campalow. In the Çamlıdere campsites article, we have conveyed information about communication, transportation, activity, accommodation and service specific to the facilities. Let's take a look.


Camlidere Campgrounds

1- Aguçlu Nature Park Campground – Çamlıdere

Aguçlu Nature Park

How is transportation and communication provided?

Ağuçlu Nature Park Campground, which is in the first place in the list of Çamlıdere camping areas, welcomes its guests in the Bardakcılar region. The nature park, established in the middle of lush trees, is 3 hours 52 minutes from Istanbul, 3 hours 19 minutes from Eskişehir, 2 and a half hours from Sakarya, 1 hour 17 minutes from Ankara city center and about 10 minutes' drive from Çamlıdere district. In this way, transportation to Ağuçlu Nature Park Camping Area can be easily provided from the surrounding locations by private vehicle. For this, you can reach the nature park in a short time via Melih Gökçek Street. In addition, when you come by private car, you can also benefit from the car parking lot specially allocated to the guests.

  • Phone: 0 312 207 50 00

What types of accommodation are available?

  • Tent

What services are available?

  • Buffet
  • Electrical connection
  • adventure park
  • Child park
  • Car park

What activities can be done?

  • zipline
  • Trekking
  • horse riding
  • bike ride
  • Gezi

Click for detailed information about Aguçlu Nature Park Campground


2- Çamkoru Nature Park Campground – Çamlıdere

Çamkoru Nature Park

How is transportation and communication provided?

Çamkoru Nature Park, which is on the list of Çamlıdere camping areas, serves in the Alakoç region. When you set off from Çamlıdere region, you can reach the nature park, which has a transportation distance of 111 km from Ankara, ie one and a half hours, by covering a road of approximately 12 km. You can come to Çamkoru Nature Park Campground, which serves on the old Bolu - Ankara state highway route, with Çamlıdere shuttles. Likewise, you can come to Çamlıdere with Kızılcahamam vehicles and continue the rest of the way by taxi.

  • Phone: 0 312 207 50 00

What types of accommodation are available?

  • Tent
  • bungalow houses
  • Guesthouse

What services are available?

  • Car park
  • Buffet
  • Walking track
  • Child park
  • communal sitting area

What activities can be done?

  • bike ride
  • Relaxation
  • Gezi
  • Yoga
  • Trekking

Click for detailed information about Çamkoru Nature Park Campground


We have come to the end of the Camlidere campsites guide, which we have prepared specifically for the Camlidere region of Ankara. If you want to find what you are looking for in the guide and take a look at different routes, you can evaluate the content of Kızılcahamam campsites. In addition, if you want to take a look at different locations on a district basis, you can review the contents of Yumurtalık campgrounds, Armutlu campgrounds and Uludağ campgrounds. We wish you a good holiday.

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