Cide paid campsites

Kastamonu Cide campsites guide, we have listed the transportation, communication, service, activity and accommodation information specific to the facilities.

Elif Aksüt
Elif Aksüt 2023-07-19
Cide paid campsites

One of the main preferences of those who want to be fascinated by the unique nature of the Black Sea is the city of Kastamonu. While one side of Kastamonu opens towards the blue of the calm sea, the other side promises the atmosphere of a lush nature. In this way, you can find the chance to feel refreshed while stepping on the streets of the city. One of the indispensable routes of campers stepping into Kastamonu is the town of Cide. You can start to observe the unique harmony of nature in the town of Cide, which has a modest concept. Moreover, you can visit Cide campsites to experience camping experiences while discovering the unique nature of the Western Black Sea Region. We came to the Cide stop in the regional guides we regularly prepare in Campalow. You can have information about transportation, communication, service, activity and accommodation opportunities specific to the facilities in our Cide campsites content. Let's take a look.


Cide Campgrounds

1-Gideros Camping (Cide)

Gideros Camping

How is transportation and communication provided?

One of the popular choices in the list of Kastamonu Cide campsites in the Western Black Sea region is Sorguos Camping. Located right next to the famous Geçeros Bay, the facility is also known as Beşiroğlu Camping. Transportation to the camping area, located in the western part of Ağıros Bay, is provided by private vehicles. For this, you can reach the facility in 6 hours by using the Anatolian Highway from Istanbul, in 2 hours by taking the D759 from Kastamonu, and in 12 minutes in the direction of Bartın-İnebolu via Cide district center. Moreover, after reaching the facility, you can also take advantage of the parking facility within the service.

  • Phone: 0 542 743 32 36
  • Website:

What types of accommodation are available?

  • Tent

What services are available?

  • communal sitting area
  • Freezer
  • wooded area
  • Car park
  • Cooking possibilities

What activities can be done?

  • Trekking
  • Swimming (Sea)
  • Relaxation
  • bike ride
  • Gezi

Click for detailed information about Gideros Camping


2- Zirve Cafe Camping (Cide)

Zirve Cafe Camping

How is transportation and communication provided?

Another preferred facility in the list of Cide camping areas is Zirve Cafe Camping. The campground is located on Murat Yenigün Street in Cide. Thanks to the central location of the facility, you can travel around the city as well as provide transportation very easily. When you set off from Istanbul, you can reach the Zirve Cafe Camping facility in approximately 6 hours by using the Anatolian Highway direction. Likewise, you can arrive at the campsite in 2 hours from Kastamonu and in about 8 minutes from Cide district center. In cases where you do not have a private vehicle, you can reach Zirve Cafe Camping by village minibuses departing from the district center.

  • Phone: 0 545 201 67 90
  • Website:

What types of accommodation are available?

  • Tent
  • tent rental

What services are available?

  • Restaurant
  • communal sitting area
  • Car park
  • Hot water
  • Market

What activities can be done?

  • Dive
  • angling
  • Swimming (Sea)
  • Trekking
  • Relaxation

Click for detailed information about Zirve Cafe Camping


We have reached the end of the Cide campsites guide, which we have prepared specifically for Kastamonu in Campalow. If you want to take a look at the nearby spots as well as the routes you have found in the guide, you can review our Amasra campsites content. You can take a look at our Akçakoca campsites, Sapanca campsites or Kandıra campsites guides to shift your camping route to the west. We wish you a good time in advance.

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