Demirköy paid camping areas

Listed the transportation, communication, service, activity and accommodation information specific the facilities in the Kırklareli Demirköy campsites guide.

Elif Aksüt
Elif Aksüt 2023-08-08
Demirköy paid camping areas

Kırklareli is one of the routes where you will witness a healing atmosphere at the foot of the famous Igneada forests. You have the chance to explore the depths of the forest in the city of Kırklareli, which has a transportation time of approximately 3 hours to Istanbul. Moreover, you can spend an isolated holiday process by emptying your mind while walking in a lush nature. Demirköy is another route where you can find comfortable accommodation while listening to the sound of the lush forest in Kırklareli. You can create comfortable and enjoyable holiday memories intertwined with nature in Demirköy camping areas, which is the peaceful route of Kırklareli. In Campalow, we came to Demirköy stop in the camp guides we prepared specifically for the cities and districts. You can find accommodation, service, activity, contact and transportation information specifically for the facilities in the Demirköy campsites guide. Let's examine it together.


Demirkoy Campgrounds

1- Igneada Aylak Oak Campground (Demirkoy)

Igneada Aylak Oak Campground

How is transportation and communication provided?

Igneada Aylak Oak Campground is a very popular choice in Demirkoy campgrounds list. Thanks to the central location of the facility, which provides service in the village of Begendik, transportation is easily provided. Igneada Aylak Oak Campground has a driving distance of 3 hours 41 minutes to Istanbul, 2 hours 34 minutes to Tekirdağ and approximately 1 hour 52 minutes to Kırklareli city center. Therefore, you can use your private vehicle at the point of transportation to the facility. When you come to Kırklareli city center from the surrounding locations, you can reach the facility in approximately 2 hours by using the D565 road. You can also leave your private car in the parking lot after you reach the facility.

  • Phone: 0 530 667 77 03
  • Website:

What types of accommodation are available?

  • Tent
  • Caravan
  • bungalow houses

What services are available?

  • Car park
  • Cooking possibilities
  • Freezer
  • wooded area
  • Hot water

What activities can be done?

  • Trekking
  • Yoga
  • Culture
  • Gezi
  • bike ride

Click for detailed information about Igneada Aylak Oak Campground


2- Candas Camp (Demirkoy)

Candas Camp

How is transportation and communication provided?

Candaş Camp is one of the most preferred facilities in the list of Demirköy camping areas. Established in a fascinating nature, the facility provides service in the Hamdibey region of Demirköy. Therefore, transportation to the Candaş Camp facility is 3 hours from Istanbul, 2 hours from Tekirdağ, and approximately 50 minutes from Kırklareli city center. Moreover, after entering the Candaş Camp facility with a private car from the surrounding locations, you can also benefit from the parking facilities within the accommodation fee. In cases where there is no private vehicle, you can also prefer public transportation. For this, you can get off at the closest stop to the facility and request them to pick you up.

  • Phone: 0 530 524 36 60
  • Website:
  • Email:

What types of accommodation are available?

  • Tent
  • Caravan
  • tent rental

What services are available?

  • Car park
  • Indoor play facilities
  • Child park
  • Cooking possibilities
  • wooded area

What activities can be done?

  • bike ride
  • Relaxation
  • Yoga
  • Gezi
  • Trekking

Click for detailed information about Candaş Camp


3- Igneada Saklikent Beylerbeyi Farm (Demirkoy)

Igneada Saklikent Beylerbeyi Farm

How is transportation and communication provided?

Igneada Saklikent Beylerbeyi Farm provides service in Demirkoy district of Kirklareli and Igneada region. Therefore, the facility has a transportation time of 3 hours 13 minutes to Istanbul, 2 hours 10 minutes to Tekirdağ and approximately 1 hour 18 minutes to Kırklareli city center. You can come to Kırklareli and use the D565 road to go to İğneada Saklıkent Beylerbeyi Farm facility, which is the popular choice of Demirköy camping sites list. You can reach the facility after approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes of driving distance and leave your vehicle in the car park safely.

  • Phone: +90 542 439 69 69
  • Website:
  • E-mail:

What types of accommodation are available?

  • Tent
  • tent rental
  • tiny house
  • bungalow houses

What services are available?

  • Restaurant
  • Mosque
  • Children's entertainment program
  • wooded area
  • Market

What activities can be done?

  • Archery
  • off road
  • Canoe
  • Swimming (Sea)
  • Dive

Click for detailed information about Igneada Saklikent Beylerbeyi Farm


4- Igneada Longoz Forests National Park (Demirkoy)

Igneada Longoz Forests National Park

How is transportation and communication provided?

Igneada Longoz Forests National Park, which hosts natural areas such as Saka Lake, Erik Lake, Deniz Lake, Hamam Lake, Mert Lake and Pedina Lake, is a popular choice of the season. The national park, which is frequently preferred in the list of Demirköy camping areas, serves in the Igneada region. Therefore, there is a transportation time of 99.6 km between the facility and Kırklareli city center. When you set off from Kırklareli city center to reach Igneada Longoz Forests National Park, you can reach transportation after a 1 hour 50 minute drive. After entering the borders of the national park, you can leave your vehicle in the private guest parking lot. In cases where there is no private vehicle, you can choose the shuttles and minibuses going from Kırklareli center to Igneada.

  • Phone: 0 312 207 50 00

What types of accommodation are available?

  • Tent
  • Caravan
  • glamping

What services are available?

  • Mosque
  • Restaurant
  • Market
  • Hot water
  • Car park

What activities can be done?

  • bike ride
  • off road
  • Canoe
  • Swimming (Sea)
  • Trekking

Click for detailed information about Igneada Longoz Forests National Park


5- Longosphere Glamping Igneada (Demirkoy)

Longosphere Glamping İgneada

How is transportation and communication provided?

Longosphere Glamping Igneada is one of the comfortable facility choices of Demirkoy campsites list. The facility, which provides service in the Demirköy district of Kırklareli and in İğneada, has a transportation time of approximately 3 hours from the city center of Istanbul. After coming to the center of Kırklareli from the surrounding cities, you can use the D565 road to reach the Longosphere Glamping Igneada facility and complete the journey in 1 hour and 20 minutes. After entering the facility, you can also benefit from the parking facility, which is included in the accommodation fee.

  • Phone: 444 5267
  • Website:
  • Email:

What types of accommodation are available?

  • glamping

What services are available?

  • adventure park
  • Washing machine
  • Cooking possibilities
  • baby care room
  • Mosque

What activities can be done?

  • off road
  • horse riding
  • Canoe
  • Culture
  • Swimming (Pool)

Click for detailed information about Longosphere Glamping Igneada


6- Enver Kara Recreation Area (Demirköy)

Enver Kara Recreation Area

How is transportation and communication provided?

The Enver Kara Recreation Area facility is listed as a frequently preferred route in the Demirköy campgrounds list. The facility, which serves on the route of Demirköy district of Kırklareli and Hamdibey, is 3 hours' drive from Istanbul and 2 hours' drive from Tekirdağ city center. Access to the Enver Kara Promenade facility, which is on the main road, can be easily provided by both private vehicles and public transportation. When you arrive at the facility by private vehicle, you can take advantage of the parking facility, which is included in the accommodation fee you have given. In the absence of a private vehicle, you can easily reach Enver Kara Promenade by using public transportation.

  • Phone: 0 533 268 68 66
  • Website:
  • Email:

What types of accommodation are available?

  • Tent
  • Caravan

What services are available?

  • Electrical connection
  • Car park
  • Cooking possibilities
  • wooded area
  • Hot water

What activities can be done?

  • Trekking
  • Gezi
  • bike ride
  • Relaxation
  • Culture

Click for detailed information about Enver Kara Recreation Center


We have come to the end of the Demirköy campsites guide, which we have prepared specifically for the Demirköy district of Kırklareli. If you want to take a look at other routes besides the facilities you find in the comprehensive guide, you can look at the nearby Şile campsites, Adalar campgrounds or Çatalca campsites guides. For facilities where you will be one click away from Istanbul and integrate with nature, you can review the Armutlu campsites or Çınarcık campsites guides. We wish you a good holiday.

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