Kandira paid campsites

We listed the transportation, communication, service, activity and accommodation information specific to the facilities in the Kocaeli Kandıra campsites guide.

Elif Aksüt
Elif Aksüt 2023-06-23
Kandira paid campsites

When the holiday season approaches, we look for unique routes where we can explore nature without staying too far from daily life routines. While these routes create an advantage with their proximity to metropolitan cities, they also offer the opportunity to explore the indispensable atmosphere of nature during the holiday. Kocaeli is one of the leading routes known for its proximity to Istanbul and its gateway to a lush nature. The camping areas in Kocaeli's Kandıra district are at the forefront of the unique routes that bring together the comfortable accommodation opportunities established in the middle of the natural wonders of the trees with the campers. Paid camping areas, especially in Kandıra, are frequently preferred thanks to the comfortable accommodation advantage offered by nature. We came to the Kandıra stop of the camp guides we regularly prepare in Campalow. We have included activities, transportation, service, accommodation and contact information specific to the facilities in the Kocaeli Kandıra campgrounds list. Come on, let's see.


Kandira Campgrounds

1- Kerpe Gebeş Camping – Kerpe

Kerpe Gebeş Camping

How is transportation and communication provided?

Kerpe Gebeş Camping, which is on the Kandıra campgrounds list, is located in the Kıncıllı region. Kerpe Gebeş Camping, which has a transportation time of 1 hour 50 minutes to Istanbul, 55 minutes to Sakarya and 52 minutes to the city center of Izmit, can be easily reached by private car. For this, when you set off from Kocaeli city center with your personal vehicle, you can reach the facility in a short time by using the D605 road. When you come to Kerpe Gebeş Camping facility by private car, you can also benefit from the parking facilities included in the accommodation fee.

  • Phone: +90 (543) 370 6552
  • Website: instagram.com/kerpecamping/

What types of accommodation are available?

  • Tent

What services are available?

  • Cooking possibilities
  • Car park
  • Freezer
  • volleyball field
  • dishwashing area

What activities can be done?

  • bike ride
  • Dive
  • Swimming (Sea)
  • Trekking
  • Volleyball

Click for detailed information about Kerpe Gebeş Camping


We have come to the end of the guide we prepared specifically for the route of Kocaeli's Kandıra campsites. If you can't find the facility you want in the frequently preferred route guide in the list of camping areas close to Istanbul, you can evaluate our different campsite contents. Especially for routes close to Istanbul, you can take a look at our Şile campsites, Çatalca campsites or Silivri campsites. You can also refer to the Izmit campsites guide for a comprehensive search in the region. We wish you a good time in advance.

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