Sarkoy paid campsites

Tekirdağ Şarköy campsites guide, we have listed the transportation, communication, service, activity and accommodation information specific to the facilities.

Elif Aksüt
Elif Aksüt 2023-07-01
Sarkoy paid campsites

In the Marmara Region, you can set out for the city of Tekirdağ to have a sea of beauty reminiscent of an aquarium. In addition to the natural heritage of the city, you can also set out on a cultural exploration with its historical roots that integrate with every street. Şarköy is one of the regions that those who set out for Tekirdağ cannot return without stopping by thanks to its eye-catching beauty. Attracting attention with its boutique and charming nature, Şarköy campsites are enough to turn the memories that holidaymakers expect throughout the year into reality. The Şarköy district of Tekirdağ is 3 hours away from Istanbul, 2 hours 20 minutes from Kırklareli, 1 and a half hours from Çorlu and approximately 1 hour and 10 minutes from Tekirdağ city center. Therefore, when you set off from the surrounding cities, you can reach Şarköy in a short time by continuing from suitable locations. We came to the Şarköy stop of the campsite guide that we regularly prepare in Campalow. We arranged transportation, communication, accommodation, activity and service information specifically for the facilities within the scope of Şarköy campsites. Let's evaluate together.


Sarkoy Campgrounds

1- Makara Tent Camping – Sarkoy

Makara Tent Camping

How is transportation and communication provided?

Makara Tent Camping, which is in the first place in the list of Şarköy camping areas, provides service in the Sahil Çamı Sokak area. Makara Tent Camping has a driving distance of 3 hours 54 minutes to Istanbul, 2 hours 22 minutes to Silivri and 2 hours 39 minutes to Edirne, with a driving time of approximately 2 km to the center. Therefore, it is possible to reach Makara Tent Camping both by private vehicle and public transportation. You can go to the facility in Şarköy via Mürefte-Barbaros Road. After arriving at the Makara Tent Camping facility, which you can easily access, you can park your private car in the secure car park.

  • Phone: +90 (535) 936 08 26
  • Website:
  • E-mail:

What types of accommodation are available?

  • Tent
  • tent rental
  • bungalow houses

What services are available?

  • TV connection
  • dishwashing area
  • Car park
  • Restaurant
  • Cooking possibilities

What activities can be done?

  • Trekking
  • Dive
  • Swimming (Sea)
  • bike ride
  • Culture

Click for detailed information about Makara Tent Camping


2- Uçmakdere Çınar Mocamp – Şarköy

Uçmakdere Çınar Mocamp

How is transportation and communication provided?

Serving in Uçmakdere, an old Greek Village, Çınar Mocamp is frequently preferred in the list of Şarköy camping areas. It is possible to reach the facility called Uçmakdere Çınar Mocamp, which is known as a popular travel route in the summer season, in 2 and a half hours from Istanbul, 2 hours and 5 minutes from Kırklareli, 1 hour 22 minutes from Çorlu and 1 hour and 15 minutes from Tekirdağ. If your transportation preference will be public transportation when coming to the facility, which serves on a route close to the Mürefte-Barbaros road, you can use the shuttles departing in the direction of Uçmakdere after arriving in Şarköy. In addition, Mürefte or Barbaros shuttles will be a transportation alternative for you. Likewise, you can use your private car while coming to the facility.

  • Phone: 0 282 525 10 18
  • Website:
  • Email:

What types of accommodation are available?

  • Tent

What services are available?

  • dishwashing area
  • Restaurant
  • Car park
  • wooded area
  • Hot water

What activities can be done?

  • Trekking
  • paragliding
  • Gezi
  • Swimming (Sea)
  • bike ride

Click for detailed information about Uçmakdere Çınar Mocamp


3- Mercan Mocamp – Sarkoy

Mercan Mocamp

How is transportation and communication provided?

Mercan Mocamp, which is a popular choice in the list of Şarköy camping areas, serves on the Aşağıkamış Şarköy Mürefte Yolu. Therefore, Mocamp facility can be easily reached via Şarköy Mürefte Road. You can reach Mercan Mocamp facility in 3 hours from Istanbul, 2 and a half hours from Kırklareli, 1 hour 50 minutes from Çorlu and approximately 1 hour and 26 minutes from Tekirdağ city center. For this, you can use both public transport vehicles, motorbikes and shuttles that pass over the road. In addition, you can choose your personal car while coming to Mercan Mocamp and take advantage of the parking facilities within the accommodation fee.

  • Phone: 0 531 251 00 39
  • Website:

What types of accommodation are available?

  • Tent
  • bungalow houses

What services are available?

  • Mosque
  • Washing machine
  • Cooking possibilities
  • Restaurant
  • Market

What activities can be done?

  • Trekking
  • Culture
  • Gezi
  • Swimming (Sea)
  • bike ride

Click for detailed information about Mercan Mocamp


We have come to the end of the content of the Şarköy campsites in the guides we have recently arranged in Campalow. You can search by choosing a district, service or activity on our "Campgrounds" page to browse different routes like our comprehensive guide. You can also use our Gebze camping areas, Adalar camping areas or Keşan camping areas guides to camp on routes close to the Marmara Region. We wish you a good time in advance.

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