Deniz Gölü Kamp Alanı

Deniz Gölü Kamp Alanı





One of the routes where you can make an unforgettable winter camp in Kars is Deniz Lake Campground. Offering a magnificent natural wonder to its guests with its frozen lake in the winter season, Deniz Lake is located within the borders of Kars's Kağızman district and Karaboncuk Village. Moreover, Deniz Lake, which has many flat areas where tents can be set up, has a distance of 27 km to Kağızman district. Therefore, you can reach the lake by taking the Ürker Village minibuses that depart regularly from the district bus station. You can also come to Deniz Lake with your private vehicle by using the Erzurum-Iğdır highway. If you are going to the camping area by private car, you can reach the destination after a short driving distance by turning right after seeing the Deniz Lake sign.

When you set off towards Deniz Lake for camping, you can also stop by the Çengili Church on the way to your destination. There is no private business around Deniz Lake, where you can have a comfortable camp as long as you come completely. Therefore, you have to use your own means for needs such as toilet, eating and drinking, and heating. If you are going to Deniz Lake, which hosts freezing temperatures during the winter season, you should have a tent that is resistant to winter camping, a sleeping bag that provides protection down to -10 degrees, a pocket stove and a light source, especially considering the possibility of getting extremely cold at night. Moreover, you can also carry a camera to immortalize the beauties you will observe around the natural camping area.

Deniz Lake, which started to freeze in the intense cold of winter, offers a convenient activity opportunity for the local people to break the ice and fish. You can also climb to the height of the pathways in the surrounding area or take pictures of the magnificent beauties you see. In addition to observing the magnificent beauties it offers to the campers, we can say that as long as you complete the equipment, you will have an adventurous winter camp at Deniz Lake Campground.


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Accessible by motorcycle

Accessible by public transport

Campfire permitted

Car permitted on pitch

Cell phone can pick up

Free camp

Permanent camping


Can pitch a tent

Winter camp possible


Firewood available

Wooded Area