You can add the Mermaid Cafe Camping facility to your route to set out for a seaside camping holiday with your family in Mersin. Providing service near the İncekum Public Beach, the facility is located in the Kocapınar region of Silifke. Therefore, thanks to the facility's location close to the Mersin-Antalya road, transportation can be easily provided by both private vehicles and public transportation. Mermaid Cafe Camping has a driving distance of 121 km, that is, 1 hour and 50 minutes, to Mersin city center. In addition, transportation from Silifke district center, where the facility is located, can be provided in approximately 20 minutes via Atatürk Boulevard. If you prefer a private vehicle for transportation to the camping facility, you can take advantage of the parking facility as a service included in the accommodation fee. In cases where there is no private vehicle, you can reach the Mermaid Cafe Camping facility by public transportation vehicles on the Mersin-Antalya road.
You can find different accommodation opportunities in the camp facility, which provides both a cafe and camping service in Silifke district of Mersin. You can set up your own tent or stay with a caravan at the property, which combines a quality service concept with comfortable accommodation. You can enjoy the shade and cool weather by setting up your tent in the area covered by lush trees. The services offered by Mermaid Cafe Camping are listed as hot water, shower, market, cafe, parking lot, table-chair, lighting, refrigerator and barbecue area. In this way, you have the chance to meet most of your daily camping needs on site. Especially while staying at the facility, you can barbecue by using your own means for meal alternatives during the day or you can choose the delicious meals of the cafe. In this way, while staying at Mermaid Cafe Camping, you will have the opportunity to meet most of your expectations in terms of accommodation, service and dining.
You can enjoy a camping holiday next to a deep blue sea at Mermaid Cafe Camping, the hidden paradise of Silifke. Sun loungers and umbrella rental services are available for guests staying at the camping facility. Therefore, you can enjoy swimming, diving or fishing by taking advantage of the sun loungers and umbrella services on the beach. In addition to the blue, you can spend time with peaceful activities such as hiking, cycling or sightseeing at the point where you want to get enough of the green. Before you set off for the Mermaid Cafe Camping facility, we recommend that you contact us for detailed information about facilities, services, accommodation and transportation.
Images: 1. İlhami Teyi, 2. İlhami Teyi, 3. Zeliha Dislen, 4. Halukcan Dislen, 5. Zeliha Dislen, 6. Zeliha Dislen 7. Bilge, 8. İlhami Eyi, 9. Rümeysa Yalçın, 10. Zeliha Dişlen
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