Işık Dağı Kamp Alanı

Işık Dağı Kamp Alanı



Yağcıhüseyin, Kızılcahamam/Ankara


One of the places you can choose for winter camping in the central point of Turkey is Işık Mountain. Located within the borders of Ankara's Kızılcahamam district, Işık Mountain has a height of 2034 meters. Moreover, there is a television transmitter at the highest point of Mount Işık. Işık Mountain Campground is preferred by adventure-loving campers who are devoted to nature sports, as it is located at the central point of Ankara. Therefore, if you want to get away from the earth in the middle of the city and reach the top of Mount Işık, you can choose this region. Transportation to Işık Mountain Campground is also easily provided by vehicles. First of all, you need to take the Çankırı Çerkeş buses from Ankara. Then, you should get off at the Işık Mountain turn and walk for an hour in the south direction. At the end of a comprehensive walk, you will be able to reach Işık Mountain Campground.

Işık Mountain Campground does not belong to any private enterprise. For this reason, although your free stay in the region is pleasing, you may not find comprehensive opportunities for your needs. At this point, you can have food items with you in order not to be deprived of necessities while making your winter camp. In addition, you should refer to your own camping experience while meeting basic needs such as toilets. There is Karagöl, which was formed as a result of landslides on the skirts of Işık Mountain and has an altitude of approximately 1600 meters. You can set up a tent at the foot of the mountain as you wish, as well as evaluate the lake surroundings.

Isik Mountain Campground, known as an escape point for the citizens of the capital who are overwhelmed by the tiring chaos of the metropolitan city, offers convenient opportunities for many activities. You can climb to the top of Işık Mountain in the region, as well as evaluate various hiking routes in the surrounding area. You can also take photos to see the fascinating beauties covered with snow again. Before coming to Işık Mountain Campground, which combines with the sharp cold of Ankara, you should make sure that you have made all your preparations such as pocket stove, winter tent, sleeping bag and food.


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Accessible by public transport

Campfire permitted

Free camp

In the mountains

Permanent camping

Can pitch a tent

Winter camp possible


Firewood available

Wooded Area